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Dr. Mohamad Alwan

Head of Communications and Computer Networks Engineering Department- Faculty of Technology - Lebanese University- Tel : +961 7 750 190 Ext: 500 BP 813 Saida, Lebanon- Email: Http://
Alwan Alwan
Articles : 31
Depuis : 29/06/2006
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Classe virtuel en vhdl

Classe virtuel en vhdl: une classe virtuelle est mise pour répondre à toutes sortes de questions concernant les exercices et des problèmes de vhdl sur ce site et sur des exercices supplémentaires. réserver votre place sur le lien suivant: a virtual class (online vhdl) is launched to answer all kinds of questions regardin
Investigation of tumor using an antenna scanning system

Investigation of tumor using an antenna scanning system

Investigation of tumor using an antenna scanning system alwan, m. ; inst. of technol., lebanese univ., saida, lebanon ; sadek, s. ; katbay, z. the physical basis for tumor detection with microwave imaging is the contrast in dielectric properties of normal and malignant tissues. confocal microwave imaging involves illuminating the target with propag

Welcome to dr. mohamad alwan homepage

Phd in microelectronics from rouen university france here you will find (for this instant): a presentation of my research research topic: microelectronics-power device -modelling system teacher: faculty of technology- lebanese university saida (ccne department). dear visitor, you will find in these few web pages a brief presentation of my career (c
Virtual reality: Robot Control

Virtual reality: robot control

The project is to create a virtual robot in which we can control using real sensors to walk in a city. a gyroscope c ontroller does the robot walk and control the direction of movement of the robot.
Multi-mode Robot

Multi-mode robot

The purpose of this project is to develop a multi-purpose robot with image processing and bluetooth protocol. the national instruments products used (labview, mydaq) provided easy and simple means ...