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Mrs Gilmant

Mrs Gilmant

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3ème euro Les Rives du Léman, Evian.

Victorian Britain and Charles Dickens
Mrs Gilmant Mrs Gilmant
Articles : 18
Depuis : 10/01/2013
Categorie : Emploi, Enseignement & Etudes

Articles à découvrir

What is this Victorian object?

What is this Victorian object?

What was it used for? A pair of finger cuffs used in Victorian schools! Anaelle won the bag of sweets! See below how it worked

Fiche évaluation fakebook project + best fakebooks ever (Clémence, Anaelle and Lucie's fakebook + Chloé and Perrine's work!!!! Congratulations girls!!!!!!!!)

Profil /2 Friends: personnages du roman ( au moins 5 2pts ; 3 ou 4 1pt) Nombre de" posts" : 5 ou plus =4pts ; 4 = 3pts ; 3 = 2pts ; 1 ou 2 = 1pt Interraction avec les "friends" : 3 commentaires ou plus = 3 pts ; 2 = 2pts, 1= 1pt Usage des "likes / dislikes" : 1pt Nombre d'anecdotes du roman: plus de 3 = 3 pts ; 2 ou 3 =2pts ; 1 = 0.5 pt Originalit

The new mystery object....

The new mystery object....

Guess what it is.... Well done Chloé!! You are the winner and you won a bag of Dragibus!! So it's not a tool for wood (Sorry, Mathis!) It's not a device to spray insect repellents (too bas François!) It has nothing to do with blacksmiths (wrong answer César and Audric) It wasn't used to put oil on the wheels (well tried girls!) It was the first
Webquest: Child labour

Webquest: Child labour

Answer the following questions in your copybook 1. What big change in the 19th century created a need for child labour? /3pts 2. Name 4 places where Victorian children usually worked ( or jobs the had to do) /4pts 3. Why was child labour so valued by employers? /3pts 4. What changed in 1833 ,1844 and 1847 for children? /3pts 5.How old were most of
Inventors: What the victorians did for us!

Inventors: What the victorians did for us!

Here is your new challenge!!!!!!! 1.Find the names hidden in the wordsearch. They are all names of inventors but some of them were not British or were not victorian.....You only need to focus on the victorians 2.Check here to cross out the wrong inventors Here ! 3.Use our "Rives du Léman search engine" below to find out what they invented and when
Another mystery object....

Another mystery object....

or two of them.... A clue? They were used by Robert Peel's men! Answer: a rattle and a lamp for policemen César