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Cécile Ruiz

Cécile Ruiz

Ses blogs

My own very little world

a weird blog from a weird person
Cécile Ruiz Cécile Ruiz
Articles : 21
Depuis : 10/09/2016
Categorie : Musique & Divertissements

Articles à découvrir

for or against humanoid robots?

for or against humanoid robots?

Today i want to talk about something which is being more and more important in our life and is the topic of many debates, that is the robots. We already live surrounded by technology, we use machines everyday, for many common task, our phone, TV, micro waves, freezer, the washing machine, all the machines for cooking, heater ect. We simply can't li
road safety

road safety

Last week all the last grade students of our highschool went on a special event about road safety. I wanted to share a bit about what i think of all this. Most of my friends said that it was completly useless and i have to agree in a way because this kind of awareness campaign about road safety is done almost every year at school, since the highsch
medias, place of the woman and gentleman

medias, place of the woman and gentleman

If you compare past with the present, the attitude between women and men changed quite much. Today i wanna talk about how the place of the women changed in society, especially by looking closely into medias, because medias are in a way the mirrored reflection of the society. So many stories about a prince, a man, rescuing a woman, waiting him patie
Live together

Live together

Lately i've went through a lot of troubles with friends, problems of communication, striked ego, and so on... there's so many reasons for a relationship to collapse, but that's how life is. It's a constant building/ destruction track that never really end. Since my childhood, relationships were a big concern to me, that's why i will go for psycholo
the progress of medicine, my opinion

the progress of medicine, my opinion

hello ! Today i wanna talk about something that is quit important for me, health, medicine. (is it surprising to talk about such a topic while i'm a litterature student ? Maybe, but that's very cliché to think that we are only into books, art and langages.) There have been a lot of progress in the medicine field, for example, the discovering of th
progress in the technologies : a new way of communicating

progress in the technologies : a new way of communicating

I guess we pretty all agree with the fact that humans need social contact. In the past, when people couldn't talk in face to face, because they were far from each other or any other reason, people would write a letter to that person. Some people would think that writing letters nowadays is kind of old-fashioned which i can understand, there is disa
The metamorphosis

The metamorphosis

I finished to read not that far ago a quit famous novel from Franz Kafka which is The Metamorphosis. I wanted to make a little article about it because i found it really touching, catching, and it has a psychologic background that is really interesting to me. The story is about Gregor Samsa who is a traveling salesman and got quit bored of his life
fake letter to apply for a tv reality show

fake letter to apply for a tv reality show

Letter for killer karaoké show Dear mr. Fly, Aren't you tired of those annoying contestants who just don't know how to sing? Don't you get fed up of the coward ones who abandon the show at the whole beginning just for few insects? You want a candidates who sing so good that it will make you feel like crying rainbows and butterflies? Don't search a
gods and goddesses, are they heroes ?

gods and goddesses, are they heroes ?

In the greek old civilizations, gods and goddesses were much included in the everyday life as we know. They often made offerings to the gods to get their protection and forces. Look at the greek plays tragedy, when the main characters are lost or completly helpless, they turn themselves to gods, praying, begging them for help. But what if there wer
rooms by the sea

rooms by the sea

Here is "rooms by the sea", a painting from Edward Hopper made in 1951, this is one of his biggest works of art in terms of size. Edward Hopper had born the 22th july 1882 and died in 1967,his style is the american realism, he often depict the daily life of the middle class, nostalgia, feeling of loneliness, nature and modern society. Rooms by the