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Gal Benvenisty

Gal Benvenisty

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How to protect the environment and still have fun !
Gal Benvenisty Gal Benvenisty
Articles : 12
Depuis : 18/03/2016
Categorie : Environnement & Bio

Articles à découvrir



We could ask the canteen, instead of throwing the garbage, to use the food leftovers for compost.
No Car Day

No Car Day

If we can avoid taking the car, and can come by bike to school, it is another way to pollute less !
Donate your clothes

Donate your clothes

Instead of throwing away your clothes, either you donate them to associations who will redistribute them or recycle them. As H&M is doing : http://
Zero Waste Lifestyle

Zero Waste Lifestyle

Try to waste as less as possible. Here is the example of Bea Johnson who only wastes very little with her family of 4. She will give you 100 tips how to do the same . Follow the link :
Solar Energy

Solar Energy

In certain hot countries we could use and develop solar energy by putting some panels on our roofs for example.