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Troy Troy
Articles : 12
Depuis : 16/08/2015
Categorie : Lifestyle

Articles à découvrir

Curatarea canapelelor

Comoditatea reprezinta caracteristica ce poate transforma o casa in acasa. De aceea, atunci cand dorim sa oferim mai mult suflet locuintei, alegem sa sporim comoditatea si in acelasi timp curatenia sa. Un instrument care cuantifica gradul de comoditate al unei case este reprezentat de canapelele pe care le avem. Pentru ca este greu sa ne ocupam per

Common Interview Question #2: Classes vs. Modules

Full Question What is the difference, if any, between classes and modules in Ruby? When are they used? Answer Ive been asked this question 3 times now; each time I felt like I instinctively knew the answer, but my explanations were clumsy. The Basics Modules contain related methods that you can use with with or without classes (depending on the typ

Algebra and geometry

In software engineering the Model-view-controller design pattern is widely used and most people have some understanding of what the general principle is. Basically, you have your logic and data that you encapsulate within a model and then a controller picks the right views to display the model and handle user inputs. The separation of code into thr

The Anatomy of Frank is the best band in the world

The Anatomy of Frank is the best band in the world right now. “But Tommy - you haven’t HEARD all of the bands in the world, how can you say that so confidently?” Well you’re right friendly reader - I have not heard all of the bands in the world, so I can not be 100% sure that the Anatomy of Frank are the best band in the world. However, do

Day before the long trip

It’s been almost a month since I have come back from Duke for the summer, but this month has been a month full of preparing for my trip to Kakamega, Kenya and for my trip to Germany this coming fall. From making bank appointments, to reaching out to past interns, to getting a very short hair cut for my trip, I have realized that I am becoming mor

One Minutes and Forty-Six Seconds to Read

This was the morning of Saturday, December 7th. It is composed of perfectly true events. Sometimes, the intangibles are too good not to capture. “So where ya off to?” Behind me sits the seed of a new love affair. It may blossom to a flower if it is watered. An older man with a red nose bandies a bouquet of flowers, fighting his way into a café

Array Indices

We have all encountered a very awkward situation during our coding session. When we were hastily trying to convert some algorithm to code and bam.. the index problem throws up right in our face. The algorithm uses array index from 1 to n. But the programming language uses from 0 to n-1. What the hell…!! I have encountered this problem first when

The Irony of It All

She saw the boat sinking. She was supposed to meet him by the beachfront around sunrise, but just like everyone else by the sea that day, the sight of seeing a barge crash and sink was something out of the ordinary. She had some seashells with her. She went all the way to the beach to trade them for a fishing net. It had to be done. She had to eat

Kate Farms: Komplete Ultimate Meal Replacement Shakes

Kate Farms was kind enough to supply me with samples of their Komplete Ultimate Meal Replacement Shakes. The company currently has three flavors: Cocoa Fudge, Vanilla Bliss, and Jav'a Latte. It’s hard to choose my favorite because they were all delish! These shakes definitely distinguish themselves from other products on the market. Not only are

Morocco and Eid

Its currently Canadian Thanksgiving Monday and I am sitting in school without any turkey, stuffing, gravy, or anything else that we normally do for this holiday. But here in Morocco, it’s just another Monday. Instead, a bunch of us internationals are going to celebrate with Moroccan traditional tajine (pics to follow). What I really want to write