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engineer working on embedded systems

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MS450H Customisation

This blog gathers all related information about the customisation of the Lg MS450/400H device
ms400h-95 ms400h-95
Articles : 8
Depuis : 28/04/2010
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Lg MS450H/MS400H squashfs image content

Hereafter the content of the squashfs image extracted from the firmware 20091209C: . ./mnt ./mnt/hdc ./mnt/hda ./mnt/usbmounts ./mnt/hdb ./mnt/rd ./mnt/hdd ./sys ./proc ./tmp ./dev ./sbin ./sbin/hwclock ./sbin/swapoff ./sbin/mkfs.ext3 ./sbin/devfsd ./sbin/modprobe ./sbin/pivot_root ./sbin/udhcpc ./sbin/mkfs.ext2 ./sbin/fsck.ext3 ./sbin/reboot ./sbi

How to extract and repack a Lg MS450H firmware

This article depicts the procedure to generate a custom firmware for Lg MS450H/MS400H device based on Realtek RTD1183 chipset. This is adapted and extracted from Astone forum, thanks to them. Before starting, this blog disclaims any responsibility for any damage resulting from downloading or carrying out procedures depicted on this blog. Prerequisi

Cold Flash Procedure for MS450H

This procedure is extracted and adpated from french MS450H forum: 1) Copy a named MS400_YYMMDD_0118.img image file to USB stick's root folder, 2) Switch Off your device with the power bouton (remote or top of the device) 3) Plug the USB stick in USB port located in the front of the device 4) Hold the record bouton "O" which is located in front of t
Internal Screenshots

Internal Screenshots

Hereafter, it is a MS450H device where the hitachi internal disk has been removed, you will note that the SATA connecter as well the power connector with the plugged cable are presents: Now a screenshot of the MS400H where SATA and power connector are missing: Note: thanks to Victor for these pictures where he is acting within the Spanish forum.

Welcome to MS450H blog

This blog tries to gather information about the customisation of the Lg MS450H/MS400H device. These information are directly extracted either from existing MS450H forums or from my own experience. But I'll also try to adapt the procedures depicted for others devices using Realteck chipset. if you have any related information, please feel free to sh
How to add an internal drive to MS400H

How to add an internal drive to MS400H

A first test have been done by Spanish forum where they were able to add successfully an extra Sata disk to a MS400H device, without modifying the firmware. So they confirmed that there is no difference between MS400H and MS450H firmware. You will find the test here: link However, this solution does not reply to my expectations, I prefer to put a f
How to add an internal drive to MS400H bis

How to add an internal drive to MS400H bis

A member of the French forum homecinema-fr, has also successfully added an internal drive but in this case he used a SATA connector used on a previous PC motherboard and he made a custom cradle for the internal disk. This proposal is pretty nice than Spanish solution unfortunately he had to solder a wired power connector directly to the PCB. Here y