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Bulletin francophone de nouvelles, de contact et d'information des complices d'Osho Canada
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Articles : 529
Depuis : 28/11/2007
Categorie : Lifestyle

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HUMEURS CÉLESTES, Janvier-Février 2011

HUMEURS CÉLESTES, Janvier-Février 2011

HUMEURS CÉLESTES, météo astro-spirituelle pour mieux vivre votre vie. BIENVENUE DANS L’ANNÉE DU LIÈVRE ! La nouvelle année chinoise du Lièvre (aussi dénommé Chat ou Lapin) débute officiellement le 3 février 2011. Mais son énergie bienfaisante a déjà commencée à se déposer. Le sentez-vous ? Il y a une petite relaxation dans l’Ai

Interview with Veeresh by Geetanand for Osho Times Germany

You talk about gratitude as a quality of the heart, can you explain that please? Two things come to my mind – Osho and my parents. When I met Osho in 1974, he was a sex guru for me. Then I saw what a human genius this man was, and I could appreciate words like 'Master' and 'Enlightenment'. Today when I visit the Samadhi, I just feel this tremendo
What I am saying to you can only be said now

What I am saying to you can only be said now

Just as body matures in fourteen years , THE SPIRIT MATURES IN FOURTEEN GENERATIONS. That is the minimum limit; it depends on you. It may not grow even in one hundred forty generations -- you can be very lazy, or you can remain unawares. Then you can go on and on for millions of lives and it may not grow. But fourteen generations is a natural time

Blind obedience is poison, pure poison

And even from the very beginning, they have imposed stories on the minds of people that the first sin committed was disobedience. ADAM AND EVE WERE EXPELLED from the Garden of Eden BECAUSE THEY DISOBEYED. I have tried in thousands of ways, but I DON'T SEE THAT THEY HAVE COMMITTED ANY SIN OR ANY CRIME. They were simply exploring. You are in a garden


You take a Chinese bamboo tree seed, plant it, water it, and fertilize it for a whole year. Nothing happens. The second year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens. The third year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens. How discouraging this becomes! The fourth year you water it and fertilize it, and nothing happens. This is
HUMEURS CÉLESTES, météo astro-spirituelle pour mieux vivre votre vie.

HUMEURS CÉLESTES, météo astro-spirituelle pour mieux vivre votre vie.

DÉCEMBRE 2010 CULTIVER LA QUIÉTUDE J’espère que jusqu’ici vous avez goûté à la douceur du Temps. Oui ! Un peu de quiétude pour apprécier cette vie sur Terre. N’est-ce pas que plus on regarde la nature de près, plus on découvre de ses merveilleux et insoupçonnés mécanismes. J’espère aussi que vous avez profité des temps plus c
Joke, Jokes, Joker

Joke, Jokes, Joker

This is a very strange world. Innocent people are thought to be mad but nobody thinks the real culprits are mad. Adolf Hitler killed many people -- but nobody thought that he was mad while he ruled Germany. Politicians, power-addicted people, money-mad people -- nobody thinks that they are mad. But if somebody sitting under a tree starts laughing f

Horoscope Avril 2011

HUMEURS CÉLESTES, météo astro-spirituelle pour mieux vivre votre vie. LE LAPIN DE PÂQUES Une année du Lièvre nous dit-on, est propice aux ententes, aux négociations, à la diplomatie. On imagine facilement que ce petit animal -qui change la couleur de son pelage quand viennent les blancheurs hivernales- est un pacificateur, un modèle d’ad

Thought creates reality: tune into what you need

There is nothing to be worried about and nothing to be serious about. The only thing to be understood is: DON'T FEED NEGATIVES; otherwise they become real. FEED THE POSITIVE, and that becomes real. Reality is your creation; THOUGHT CREATES REALITY. Go with great joy, go in happiness; and you will be surprised that everything fits with your joy and

Life is a playfulness

Life is beyond meaning, being is beyond meaning. Meaning is a manufactured thing; it does not exist anywhere except in the mind. The whole of life is blissfully meaningless.It knows no purpose, no goal, no end. It is a perpetual play . . . just a play. Allow this seed to sink in your heart, that life is a play, not even a game; because in the game