Hi all, recently the overblog platform completely changed : impossible to add more than 1 image, no more possibility to update the "right columns" where i put my stats, etc... 6 years on overblog with +68500 visitors, including more or less forced publicity (by the way i could never get any € on anything *lol*), and from one day to the next, all
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Hi, good week-end with the ref cw contest ! always a big fun to chase all french departments & dom-tom on all bands + being called when on "run" ! here's my submitted score... as i tweeted it : "i did my best !" detailed multis by band : - 80m : - 40m : - 20m : - 15m : - 10m : again great moments... being called by fg & fk on 40m when running is al
Hi all, sorry long long time no post ! a lot of job missions + an alternative project (non radio) made me really busy and out of the shack !! fortunately, during this time some directs are still coming in the mailbox ! so far, i received : - t33a banaba island all time new one confirmed ! (15m cw, 17m cw, 20m cw + ssb, 30m cw) - vu7ag lakshadweep i
To all my visitors, please update in your "favorites", you can now find me on : www.f8dzy.com the "ham radio only..." blog continues there... ;) chris f8dzy.
Don't forget, tomorrow is the cw part of the "coupe du ref" ! i will take part as in 2012 as mono-op from my qth. look for me on 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m & 10m... here : all is ready. hope some nice propagation with fk, fo, fg,fm, fy & good short skips with other french departments... everybody is welcome, enjoy ! chris f8dzy
Hi all, time flies and not a lot of things to log right now... today i worked ri0f from iota as-062 south kuril islands on 15m cw... two calls in the split and it was ok for my 448th worked iota ;) chris f8dzy
Hi, 2 months without going to my bureau qsl manager, some good ones were waiting for me ! too long to list, so a photo will do more... many new slots, especially on low bands, and some very old qsos finally confirmed, as for an example es7ny/2 eu-149 qso of july 16th, 2004... chris f8dzy
Hi all, finally a new one this season on 6m !!! :d d44ts cape verde coming here not too strong (445) but as no pile-up, one call was enough to work my 83rd dxcc on the magic band ! who's next ? chris f8dzy.
Hi, another new one on the magic band today thanks to 5b/rn3qo !! ;) this is my 84th dxcc on 6m... chris f8dzy.
Hi, great 2014 beginning here : i just put up the antennas again today, and i was glad to listen to carl zs8c from prince edward & marion island on 15m ssb with a correct 5/6 report !! listening up 5 to 10, i got him after 5 tries, through the eastern eu pile-up... this is an all time new one for me, my 308th worked dxcc & my 446th worked iota ! ch