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($root.post && $root.post.id) ? $root.post.translations[$root.lang].socialsubtitle : $root.seo.metadescription | translate }}
B. 1977 kim høltermand is a freelance architectural- and landscape photographer from denmark.
Since 1993 quad has been producing award winning t.v. commercials, features, short-films, animation films, and web design. with both french and international directors, from wide artistic horizons ...
Antibody is the creative studio of director and designer patrick clair. we combine design and storytelling to create trailers, title sequences and original content.
Quelques vidéos de kjg en train de dessiner... after massive black workshop (fine detailled drawing all topics) 4 kjg in angoulême 2014 8'44 " kim jung gi 2013 massive black workshop (animal xx) ...