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Founder & CEO of World Investment News. A Nomad Connecting Business People
Tags associés : africa

Ses blogs

A Nomad discovering a wonderful world
PascalBelda PascalBelda
Articles : 597
Depuis : 03/11/2012
Categorie : Entreprenariat

Articles à découvrir

Je Suis Charlie (Hebdo)

5 mesures a prendre urgemment pour défendre nos libertés et par conséquent continuer a vivre en démocratie . 1. Fermeture des centres de cultes qui propagent la haine a l'occident principalement les salafistes 2.Expulsion de tout imam étranger propageant la haine 3. Retrait de la nationalité aux jihadistes 4.Declarer ouvertement la guerre a l

La longue traque du juif en France

Vola la petite liste des événement les plus douloureux pour la communauté juive de france ; I lan Halimi séquestre et torture en 2006, avait succombé à ses blessures, meurtre de 3 enfants et un enseignant dans une école juive de Toulouse en mars 2012 par l'islamiste Mohamed Merah, etc En juillet 2014 des cris de "Mort aux juifs" avaient auss

Why Americans spend more ?

I have just came back from NYC and I realized how easy is to spend your dolar bucks compared to Europe . I thought well how and why is that ? Of course there are many reasons but I think there is a simple one I have never realized before and it is the fact that when you take your dollars it is a little bit like when you are at the casino. It seems
My First Trip to Kurdistan, region of Irak

My First Trip to Kurdistan, region of Irak

November 2013 The first time I heard anything about Kurdistan was when Danielle Mitterrand brought its case to the UN back in ’91. The only thing I knew was that they were being persecuted by the Turkish regime. I did not know that it is the largest nation without a state; it has 35-40 million people spread around Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. I
Ghana a Place worth to know and explore

Ghana a Place worth to know and explore

I still remember very well my first arrival in Ghana back in 1994 I made a short trip from Abidjan, where I was working, to spend a weekend. At that time i did not want to missthe opportunity to visit the country of Nkrumah, I did not know yet I was going to spend so much time and years around Africa. My first impression were: This is a very calm a
Descubrimiento de Katanga, Congo

Descubrimiento de Katanga, Congo

Ha sido mi primer viaje al Congo, Katanga mas exactamente ya q decir Congo es como decir casi toda Europa occidental. Unos de los mayores países francófonos. Ahora Katanga es diferente es como decir Escocia , Cataluña ,Kurdistan. Katanga dispone de los mayores riquezas mineras del mundo: Cobalt, Uranio, Cobre etc. De hecho aqui los mineros los l
Out of Many, One Nation : JAMAICA

Out of Many, One Nation : JAMAICA

A very genuine & authentic place that can surprise you even more you would have expected. This is a country, a small country just 2 times smaller than New Jersey and around 3 M people. Firstly, if you come here is either because you have listen to Bob Marley when you were young and may be hoping to smoke some original ganja now it has been liberali

Big Happening 2014

(speech delivered at Intercontinental Hotelto our Nomads) It is a pleasure for me, as Founder and President of World Investment News to welcome all of you today for this new BH 2014. First of all I would like to wish you a very healthy and successful 2014 year to each of you. 2013 has been a good year for the company. I believe that our company´s

Gaza: le mot magique

Si il s'agissait là d'une véritable identification avec les victimes des bombardements de Gaza, alors on pourrait s'étonner que la crise syrienne avec ses 160 000 victimes n'ait pas déchainé une telle mobilisation et de telles passions! Je crois que ces manifestations trahissent un besoin profond de se définir comme adversaire d'Israël et de

I am a Nomad not a Serial-Entrepreneur.

When I founded World Investment News in December 1996 at 8 Rue Agar 75016 in Paris, I was simply looking to maintain the nomad life I had spent the previous 15 years creating for myself. I wanted to take advantage of the new fascinating tool called the “internet” and work exclusively with the best renowned media outlets worldwide as well as pro