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Le blog d' Alskare

Découvrez mon petit monde ...
Alskare Alskare
Articles : 88
Depuis : 12/02/2009
Categorie : Littérature, BD & Poésie

Articles à découvrir

~Libre court...~

C'est dans ses chaudes larmes Que s'etire cette douce trame Plantera t il sa tendre lame Vague ondulation des drames Delivrance de certains sens Ainsi va et vient l'errance Coule lentement l'essence Soulagement de l'inférence ~~~
~From Grace - Thomas Dybdahl~

~From Grace - Thomas Dybdahl~

it seems I have a weakness I didn't know about, till the day it rained & it seems my weakness has been bulging, has been forcing its way it seems I have a weakness I didn't know about, till the day it rained & it seems my weakness will become my final stage and it's here that I’ll give, yeah I’ll give you all my love and it's here that I’ll g
~Adelaide - Thomas Dybdahl~

~Adelaide - Thomas Dybdahl~

yesterday it seemed life was just a dream a bad dream you watch them all day long feel you don't belong but you're wrong life is good today had a pretty boy look your way don't worry Adelaide life is good today had a pretty boy look your way don't worry Adelaide Adelaide see the other girl strand a perfect pearl and one day the sun will shine upon

~Du Touché au Touchant...~

Est-ce vraiment péché que de toucher ? Cette caresse superficielle, cette tendresse et violence des corps... Cette contrainte des mains sur la peau, puisque la caresse n'est en fait qu'une pression... Cette condensation des êtres, Touchant/Touché, Touché/Touchant... Finalement on ne touche rien lorsque l'on se contente de toucher l'image, on t
~So real - Jeff Buckley~

~So real - Jeff Buckley~

Love, let me sleep tonight on you couch And remember the smell of the fabric Of your simple city dress Oh... that was so real We walked around till the moon Got full like a plate The wind blew an invocation And i fell asleep at the gate And i never stepped on the cracks 'Cause i thought i'd hurt my mother And i couldn't awake from the nightmare Tha

~La lettre...~

Cette encre noire sur le papier , Glisse comme mes larmes salées... Mes mots etouffés sont griffonnés Maladroitement eparpillés, égarés... Je ne la commencerai surement jamais, A quoi bon, essayer de la terminer... ~~~


Le Coeur que l'on ouvre à l'autre, Amour dans lequel il se Vautre. Cette Confiance qu'on lui Offre, Tel un Trésor dans un Coffre. Lachement sans Vergognes ni Remords Lui la Pietine, le Laissant pour Mort... Ce Coeur, Cristal Fragile et Delicat, Perd ainsi Tout son fabuleux Eclat. Tombant dans une Noiceur Sans Fin, Depuis qu'il est Privé de son E


Je me serais volontier caressée , En t'écoutant doucement me parler Je t'aurais ainsi fait partager , Mes soupirs et toute ma volupté Ce trop plein de desirs avoué , Ces envies à n'en plus finir Etre femme enfin ne plus fuir A sasiété de toi me delecter... ~~~
~Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley~

~Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley~

I heard there was a secret chord That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you Well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth The minor fall and the major lift The baffled king composing hallelujah Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah... . Well your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her ba
~Lilac Wine - Jeff Buckley~

~Lilac Wine - Jeff Buckley~

I lost myself on a cool damp night I gave myself in that misty light I was hypnotized by a strange delight Under a lilac tree I made wine from the lilac tree Put my heart in its recipe It makes me see what I want to see And be what I want to be When I think more than I want to think Do things I never should do I drink much more that I ought to drin