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eliane debien

eliane debien

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Le blog d' eliane debien

liaison prof-élève
eliane debien eliane debien
Articles : 392
Depuis : 26/06/2007
Categorie : Économie, Finance & Droit

Articles à découvrir

The Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance

Here is the text of the Pledge of Allegiance recited by millions of American schoolchildren every morning. Now listen to it and practise pronouncing it.


For those who haven't created their gmail address yet, here is the recording about Amy Wiehouse's death: (Click on the photo above) Many thanks to Cathia Gaïta Kinaci for sharing her work.

Dea 16-year-old me...

You're now on holiday, or will be in a few days. You'll probably lie on a beach in the weeks to come, hoping to get a nice suntan. But will you protect your skin? If you don't intend to, watch the video below. You'll probably change your mind then... Share this link with as many people as possibl
B@L@DO 1, visual doc.

B@L@DO 1, visual doc.

Here is the cover of Time magazine you must talk about in your first b@l@do recording:

Révisions pour le bac

Voici un lien vers differents sites proposant des révisions pour le bac. A utiliser sans modération! (Merci à Marie-Hélène Fasquel pour le travail qu'elle a effectué) N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions à me pose


Here is the document about Steve Jobs. Listen to it to fill in the blanks in the script you have been given by your teacher. (click on the photo above)
B@l@do 1

B@l@do 1

Click on the illustration below to see what your first activity consists in. Don't forget it's due on MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd. No delay will be tolerated.
Festival Vert de Terre

Festival Vert de Terre

Thanks to Mrs Delannet for sharing these photos: I don't know who did this floating sculpture but it's really beautiful, that's the least we can say. Maylie, is that you? Antoine and his fan club... Hope you all had a very pleasant green afternoon! I wish I had been with you! Miss you all.