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Skygge I Bjørgvin

French guy in Norway.
Skygge Skygge
Articles : 43
Depuis : 20/01/2007
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Articles à découvrir

Long Time No See...

Once again, I've deserted my blog for a while, and I know I will regret it later, because I promised to keep it updated about what I do here, what I don't do. I was also supposed to write articles about Bergen and so on, and things not only focusing about my activities. I don't neither. No time, no motivation, etc. So here in the following articles
På Tur Rundt Bjørgvin... II

På Tur Rundt Bjørgvin... II

Hiking on Liatårnet in March with Andreas. Mountain on Sotra, east of Bergen, 341m asl : Exploring Telavåg and Fjell Festning on Sotra with Andreas, Thierry and Diane. More info about Telavåg and Fjell Festning here, in May :åg Telavåg Fjell Festning
Vinter & Vår på Byfjellene

Vinter & Vår på Byfjellene

After having made some times Løvstakken in icy and windy conditions, we, with some friends, did the Vidden hike, a 5 hours walk over Byfjellene, from Fløyen to Ulriken, via Rundemanen. One month later, February 10th, we had a nice night so we headed up on Fløyen to take pictures. It was snow-free but cold as hell. Here some shots: Early March ca
Taake + Slavia = Dommedag²

Taake + Slavia = Dommedag²

Mid-January Slavia was playing at Hinsides and even if the set list was the same as the one played at Hole In The Sky, the gig was powerful and great, and only 10€ (80kr). PLO shirt and Hamas masks-style, was fun. Too much light maybe, could have been more evil. But anyway, very "straight-in-da-face" concert. Horns up. Late February occured the D
Akvariet i Bergen & Bergen Museum

Akvariet i Bergen & Bergen Museum

My sister visited me from the end of February to early March. Among [many things], we went to the Aquarium of Bergen, and had some fun. The best thing was of course the pinguins! We also did the Bergen Museum with its creepy fake/true/dead animals! Hurray !
Snøkaos !!

Snøkaos !!

On March 5th, Bergen was victim of something familiar to other parts of Norway: a Snøkaos. Massive snowfall, prowlers overbusy, buses stuck in snow of sliding across the streets, people SNOWBOARDING (!!!) in the streets of Sentrum Bergen!! View from my window: They had to give up putting this container on the truck... Three days later, all was gon
Bybanen ska Bergen

Bybanen ska Bergen

Since the beginning of january, the Bybanen is being builded in the whole Bergensdalen. The Sentrum lokks like post-bombed, explosives and drill-digging can be heard everywhere. Here some pictures from my window. The place is now almost flat, but my camera being fucked, I cannot take and post pictures. The stop being builded here will, of course, b
Sogn Trip

Sogn Trip

Okay, my sister visiting me, I had to show her other things than Bergen! We left Bergen with 2 Belgian friends under heavy weather to the Sogn. Mountain roads (Rv 13) being closed, we took the E39, crossed the Sognefjord, and drove along the north shore of it until Balestrand. We stopped a bit there and then joined the place whe we rented a cabin:
På Tur Rundt Bjørgvin...

På Tur Rundt Bjørgvin...

I motivated myself and some friends to go around often by car and visit some deserted places, even in the middle of Bergen Kommune. First tour was the islands of Bjorøy and Tyssøy, located in the Korsnesfjorden, between Sotra and the continent. They are linked to Bergen by a 2km tunnel. The weather was shit and Odin soaked us, but we had fun. We

The return of me

Well, lazyness, busyness and many other things made me abandon this blog for months, so an huuuuge update is coming now. Hell yeah. Shalom.