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Si, pour Rimbaud, "je" était "un autre", ici, "je" est multiple : ce blog est en effet un outil pédagogique pour une classe de l'université de Tours : l'option "civilisation et communication" de la fac d'Anglais. Je serons donc plusieurs.
Tags associés : art, cinema, entertainment, histoire, musique

Ses blogs

Le blog de L3

Le blog des L3 Anglais option Civilisation et Communication de l'université François Rabelais à Tours.
L3 L3
Articles : 124
Depuis : 18/01/2010
Categorie : Économie, Finance & Droit

Articles à découvrir

The King is Dead, all Hail the King

The King is Dead, all Hail the King

The day Hugo Chavez died, I saw a lot of Venezuelan citizens crying, as I hat absolutely no idea of who was Hugo Chavez and what he had done as president, I decided to do some research to better understand the situation. Hugo Chavez was the 52nd president of Venezuela, he was first elected on 2 February 1999 and remain at the head of the state unti
How could one not have heard about the new pope?

How could one not have heard about the new pope?

From April 19 th , 2005, the 265 th Catholic pope was Joseph Alois Ratzinger, better known as Benedict XVI. But as everyone must know, he resigned a few days ago, on February 11 th , 2013 (which had not been seen since Gregory XII's resignation in 1415). By February 28 th , 2013, he would not be the Supreme Pontiff anymore. A new election had to be
Scary Barbie Drug

Scary Barbie Drug

I was “getting lost” in the Internet the other day -it happens regularly when I’m struggling with insomnia- and I found an interesting video about Liverpool lifestyle. I was really surprised though when I saw that one of the latest trends for women in Liverpool is to be tan, regardless of the season. But more than a desire to prolong a summer
“Show the world what’s really on your mind”

“Show the world what’s really on your mind”

Japan, the land of the Rising Sun, and its famous technological inventions -useful or not- are always surprising us or making us laugh. Months ago, I discovered a cute and strange product that has been rocking since its invention and that really astonished me. It is called “Necomimi”, it is controlled by your brain when your wear it and it come
What happened to French Sense of Humor?

What happened to French Sense of Humor?

«L’ humour est une idiotie intelligente.» - David KATAN I don’t need to tell you how important it is to laugh. It is well known that laughing improves your life: It reduces pain thanks to the endorphins that it secretes which act like painkillers. Endorphins reduce the production of adrenaline and cortisone that generate stress. Having fun al
The Inde'rock Festival

The Inde'rock Festival

So, it is my turn to write an article for our blog… It had taken me a long time to know what I would talk about. I did not want to do something too academic and as we live in Tours, I thought that it might be interesting to write about something that takes place in our lovely city. My thoughts turned to the Inde'rock festival. You probably do not
The new face of the Christ

The new face of the Christ

I was just daydreaming the other day, wondering what I could write about on the blog and then I remembered this story of that woman who failed trying to renovate a painting of the Christ that caused a scandal last summer. The story took place in Spain, in the little town of Borja more precisely (North West of Spain) in summer 2012. An octogenarian
« Django. The D is silent »

« Django. The D is silent »

I assume lot of you knows where this quote comes from. Actually, I was wondering what film could make a good subject for this blog and I think that Django Unchained by Quentin Tarantino is definitely a good subject. For those of you who haven’t watched it yet, here is a short plot of the movie: The scene takes place in 1858 in the South of the US
Le sommet des Dieux

Le sommet des Dieux

Today, I will present you a manga that literally overwhelmed me : Kamigami no itadaki . In French : Le sommet des Dieux . (I am sorry, I couldn’t find what the English translation of the title is…) The book cover of the first volume What some of you may think could be : “A manga ? This subclass of comics ? These drawing s with huge eyes ? Com
The more stupid the better ?

The more stupid the better ?

"I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots." ― Albert Einstein * I wanted to share my opinion towa rd one of the lattest crazy/ scary web phenomenon that has virally spread accross t he w eb : the Harlem Shake dance. The Harlem Shake mostly consists of same pattern videos showing