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Maya DAN

Maya DAN

Tags associés : ido, internet des objets, iot

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Maya Watch

Veille IoT ,French Cloud People, Légendes et Mythes du Cloud
Maya DAN Maya DAN
Articles : 196
Depuis : 10/05/2015
Categorie : Technologie & Science

Articles à découvrir

Verizon eyes IoT, smart cities to fuel growth as Q4 profit slips

Verizon eyes IoT, smart cities to fuel growth as Q4 profit slips

The largest US wireless provider said fourth quarter IoT revenues, led by telematics, increased 21 percent to $243 million. By Natalie Gagliordi for Between the Lines Verizon is hoping to scale its Internet of Things business with a focus on smart cities and connected devices as it aims to offset fierce competition in the wireless market. The large
Amazon's Alexa Set To Dominate CES

Amazon's Alexa Set To Dominate CES

by Jim McGregor , Contributor Although CES formally opens today, press and analysts have already endured a day and a half of press conferences and mini-exhibitions. While CES will include almost every consumer product under the sun, there are themes and trends that emerge every year as the industry shifts around new technologies, business models, a
Leonardo : le nouveau bras armé de SAP dans l’Internet des Objets industriel

Leonardo : le nouveau bras armé de SAP dans l’Internet des Objets industriel

par Philippe Ducellier En regroupant ses offres IoT sous une marque claire, en l’augmentant de solutions « bout en bout » et de programmes de « Design Thinking », SAP confirme que l’Internet des Objets B2B est un nouveau relais de croissance dans sa diversification. Tout comme l’avait laissé percevoir son accord avec GE Digital/Predix. s
 Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Internet of Things Technologies for 2017 and 2018

Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Internet of Things Technologies for 2017 and 2018

by David Oro Last week Gartner identified the Top 10 Internet of Things Technologies for 2017 and 2018. Nick Jones , vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner, said, "The IoT demands an extensive range of new technologies and skills that many organizations have yet to master. A recurring theme in the IoT space is the immaturity of technol
Five trends in IoT in 2017 and how you can profit from them

Five trends in IoT in 2017 and how you can profit from them

Source:.Io2 HUB The Internet of Things (IoT) will continue its phenomenal growth into 2017 and beyond, however, what does that mean for your business? The overall hype would make this seem like the gold rush days, but the reality is many companies have either failed or not achieved anticipated results. The Google Nest is one example. That’s why i
The Internet of Things: 10 types of enterprise deployments

The Internet of Things: 10 types of enterprise deployments

As businesses continue to experiment with the Internet of Things, interesting use cases are emerging. Here are some of the most common ways IoT is deployed in the enterprise. By Conner Forrest As the Internet of Things (IoT) market continues its explosive growth and development, more and more businesses are looking at the ways they can generate bus
The 5 IoT products a smart city needs in 2017

The 5 IoT products a smart city needs in 2017

Public safety and public services are key elements of a smart city. Whether a city is seeking smarter streetlights, more efficient waste removal, or gunshot detection, there are smart city products that stand out more than others. Here are some of the best and most useful devices that were used in smart cities around the world in 2016 and that will

Old School Vs. New School: How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Cybersecurity

We detail how cybersecurity startups are using AI to take a new approach to counter some of the most significant cyber threats. source: cbinsights Cybersecurity companies saw a record number of funding deals last year and on a quarterly basis Q1’17 was the most active quarter for deals to private cybersecurity companies over the last five years.