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Oum Mouaad

Oum Mouaad

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Oum Mouaad's Delightful Kitchen

Algerian and International Cuisine.
Oum Mouaad Oum Mouaad
Articles : 52
Depuis : 09/11/2009
Categorie : Cuisine

Articles à découvrir


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah taala wa barakatuhu, Now that we are in the holy month of Ramadan, I would like to apologize for not posting any recipes. I would like to take the opportunity of this holy month to do more prayers and more worshipping. Meet with you later on insha'Allah whenever I have the chance to put more recipes.

Rolled Marshmallow Fondant (With halal marshmallow)

I used this rolled fondant to decorate some of my cakes that you can find here in my blog. Cake Flowers, Castle Cake, Avatar Cake, Sponge Bob Cake and insha'Allah more to come. A lot of people liked the decorations and wanted to have the recipe of the fondant. Today, I finally found some time to publish it, especially for a person who recognizes he
Ramadan Mubarak / رمضان مبارك

Ramadan Mubarak / رمضان مبارك

Assalamou alaikoum wa rahmatou Allah taala wa barakatouhou, Je suis venue vous souhaiter a tous et a toutes Ramadhan moubarak. Puisses Allah (SWT) accepter notre jeune, nos prieres, nos supplications et toutes nos bonnes actions. Puisses Allah (SWT) pardonner nos erreurs and nos peches. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و ب
Graduation Cake

Graduation Cake

And voila, I'm finally back with the cake that I made for my little princess. At the end of this school year , the class of my princess had a graduation ceremony because she's going to first grade . I was asked to make the cake for this happy event , and of course , I did not refuse . We all wanted to have a homemade cake , halal , without chemical
Castle Cake كيكة القصر

Castle Cake كيكة القصر

Here's the castle cake I made for my little princess. You can't imagine how happy she was when she saw it. I decorated it my way, I didn't follow all the instructions I found on the website. They used only butter cream to cover it, I used my homemade halal rolled marshmallow fondant besides butter cream. I hope you like it.

Constantine, The City Of The Suspended Bridges

Constantine (Algeria), The City of The Suspended Bridges Slideshow: Oum’s trip from Chicago, Illinois, United States to Constantine, Algeria was created by TripAdvisor. See another Constantine slideshow. Take your travel photos and make a slideshow for free.
Butterfly كيكة الفراشة

Butterfly كيكة الفراشة

Today, I just want to share with you this butterfly cake that I made for my little princess. I will resume insha'Allah in a couple weeks.
A beautiful Nasheed

A beautiful Nasheed

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allah taala wa barakatuhu, I would like to share with you today this beautiful nasheed that my dear sister sent me. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.