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Anna Charij et Anas Azib

Anna Charij et Anas Azib

Tags associés : gallery, must-sees, tips

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Our trip

Here is our trip in Australia
Anna Charij et Anas Azib Anna Charij et Anas Azib
Articles : 19
Depuis : 25/03/2015
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Articles à découvrir

The Eureka Tower in Melbourne

The uluru is located in the australian bush

The Harbour Bridge in Sydney

Bondi beach

What beautiful landscapes! I advise you to visit the Queensland, is situated in the north east of Australia. In the Queensland there is The Great Barrier Reef is the biggest and the most beautiful coral reef of the world, this one gets on of the north point of Queensland until Bundaberg. In Queensland there is not that the Great Barrier Reef, but t

There is one month ago with my friend Anas we have traveled Australia, we have visited Sydney, Melbourne which are very beautiful cities there are so many things to do there. We have went to the Kakadu National Park we saw all animals and all this nature it was extraordinary. We have bathed on the beautiful beach of Bondi next to Sydney. This trip

The amazing cities of Melbourne and Sydney!

In the Kakadu National Park we saw a crocodile!

The famous Opera of Sydney, it's wonderful! You should go to visit the Opera of Sydney because it's a very beautiful place, especially at night with the lights, and it is some of the places the most known in Australia and in the world.

The best animals in the world are in Australia!