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The United Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Teachings and words of love given nowadays by Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Saints for all those who will have at heart to listen to them.
Articles : 120
Depuis : 27/09/2007
Categorie : Lifestyle

Articles à découvrir

“Sing, proclaim the Resurrection of Jesus” (04/06/2010) The Virgin Mary

My children, Sing, proclaim the Resurrection of Jesus in order to be on this Earth the witness of all the benefactions received by the Grace of God the Father through the Victory of my Son on death. So many are the souls always ready to condemn Him, not to believe, not to welcome Jesus. So many are the souls who did not accept the Victory of Jesus

“Let your souls elevate towards God” (08/31/2010) The Virgin Mary

My children, Let your souls elevate towards God, in order not to be influenced by the obligations of the Earth. Let your souls elevate towards God, in order to have a new glance on the obligations of the Earth. Let your souls elevate towards God, in order to have God sharing with you everything you have to do on Earth. So your obligations will take

“I ask for your help in the struggle against the evil” (01/18/2010) The Virgin Mary

My children, I Mary, I ask for your help in the struggle against the evil. Pray so everyday: “Mary, our Mum, we come by your side To beg God the Father So that He repels the assaults of the devil. Protect your children from all continents So that they may escape the claws of the dragon. We beg you Mary, our Mother, Protect us, help us And interce

“Do not waste any moment to live with Jesus” (07/19/2010) The Virgin Mary

My children, Do not delay, do not delay any further, do not waste any moment to live with Jesus. Abide in this constant desire to come closer to my Son. Abide in this wait from the heart showing Jesus how much you long for living with Him. When the events come, only souls totally devoted to Jesus will find the strength to believe and to hope, but a

“Do not doubt this Love” (06/22/2010) The Virgin Mary

My children, You permanently abide under the Glance of God. And yet this glance escapes from you. Too often you enter the doubt, and the feeling of abandonment. Yet your Father never abandons you. Your souls know that, but your hearts and reasons forget it. It is so important, my children, that you may recognize what Love God loves of, in order to

“To recognize God in everything guiding you” (08/10/2010) The Virgin Mary

My children, When watching at water surface, a mother duck swimming together with its kids behind it, you can see it changing movement and each goes the same way in order to learn to go day after day. The same goes for you my children, you always need to follow a guide, to have a hand to grip, to follow the path opened by someone before you, who go

“To help you live in peace and confidence in God” (01/03/2010) The Virgin Mary

My children, Every time a face was bending over Jesus, my Heart felt worried. Every time a new being was coming close to the crib, my Heart jumped. For from the very beginning God the Father put the notion of danger in my Heart, ceaselessly watching the Child I had just given birth to. While knowing that everything was happening by the Grace of God