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Melle Para

Melle Para

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Bits of my life...
Melle Para Melle Para
Articles : 35
Depuis : 14/08/2012
Categorie : Tourisme, Lieux et Événements

Articles à découvrir

Ping Pong

Ping Pong

My life is like a bouncing ball. I go from places to places, cities to cities. I never stop do I ? At first it is just an idea. I leave Reunion Island without quite realizing what awaits. Full of question I arrive in this odd country called England.It's cold & new. Everything is New. Europe is New. I visit the country, go to Paris & from that momen
10 things I learned in England

10 things I learned in England

The weather changes every 2 minutes. It can be rainy, then sunny, then snowing, then hailing then sunny again. When it's sunny (yes it is sometimes! ) you learn to appreciate the sun & everybody go crazy and they all go to parks almost naked. you might think the bus stop is made the wrong way, it's not really, it's just in case something wrong happ
Bye Tropical Island

Bye Tropical Island

Time flies. I landed here, I set my foot into the warm white sand, the sun burning my shoulders and the blue sea dazzling me. I entered the warm Indian Ocean and saw its cute little fish running everywhere. I looked back and could see the mountains ruling over the island. Next morning I was there hiking until we reached a small village. it was like
Driving in England

Driving in England

There is no driving schools in England. You need to study your theory test on your own, and buy some books and DVDs. Then you need to find an instructor. I have to admit I was very confused by this but I finally found an official driving instructor online. A week after I was driving for the first time. I put my hands on the steering wheel, started

The past few months went too quickly. Time flew so fast I barely had time to realize it. I worked extra at the school and tutored in the evening. On my free days I would go to a very nice park near my place and would jog with my friends. I would meet up with them during the weekend. Sometimes I went to Karaoke nights in a pub and listened to people


I completely forgot it was valentine's day. I never really cared about it anyway. It was a day like any other day. I managed to get up early.I did some exercise and off I went driving on the road.I stalled the car for the first time. Damn it. When I got home I realised had so little food left. I cooked what I could and spent the afternoon doing hou
Round 2

Round 2

I arrive at the station, dragging my heavy suitcase behind me. I'm drained from energy, this was a long trip. I just want to find a bed and rest. There is no time to rest. I put my luggage into the car and off we go. They drive on the left. Always keep left.we arrive at my colleague's place , we eat , I call my family tell them I have arrived and I
I live in a small city...

I live in a small city...

I live in a small city. I don't know anybody. There is a music festival in another small village around. How many were the chances of meeting somebody I hadn't talked or seen for 10 years? I live in a small city far away from my roots... so far.... and yet.... I see symbols of Reunion spread over the town everyday. Sometimes it is a sticker of the
Remembering the past...

Remembering the past...

It's been more than a year. People might think I went AWOL. I stopped going online. Instead I went out and discovered some cute little village in the west of France, I went mushroom picking,or more like, I walked with mushroom pickers, trying to learn from them. Then I was back at work, being all professional and trying to organize myself to this n
The New World

The New World

It all happened too fast. I was dreaming. The American flag was hanging in every corner. As we drove into the streets, I could see those nice suburban houses with their perfectly cut lawns, their neat driveways & no fences around their gardens. We walked downtown Cincinnati. My eyes always looking up at those huge buildings. Everything was immensel