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Christina Ledang - She is a beautiful new talent from Norway with strong collections very feminine and based on latex / collection "take one" (down)- Photographer: Simon Skreddernes / collection take two(up) - Photographer: Kjell Ruben Strøm +
LeDanger Le Pen ? par le professeur DEBRE

LeDanger Le Pen ? par le professeur DEBRE

Puteauxhorizon2014 : Depuis de longs mois, je lis régulièrement les analyses politiques du professeur Bernard DEBRE,Ancien ministre,Député deParis sur des sujets fondamentaux,au fil des mois,j'ai constaté que je suis en phase complète avec son diagnostic sur la société française, il est devenu mon guide spirituel , je vous invite à partag
Going to the vet and Puteri Gunung Ledang

Going to the vet and Puteri Gunung Ledang

Morpheous doesn't seem to be eating much-its not like him. And it seems to be time for him to go to the vet for that "special operation" castration. Anyway the vet's receptionist said there was a free slot. So I rang John and got ready to go with Morphy-not an easy task because I had to get his leash on and persuade him to stay on my lap.Well, appa